How to invest in hedge funds as a retail investor

How to invest in hedge funds as a retail investor

Hedge funds have long been considered an investment vehicle exclusive to large institutions and ultra-high-net-worth individuals. However, in recent years, some hedge funds have begun to offer retail investors an opportunity to access these alternative investment strategies.

For individual investors interested in expanding their portfolio beyond just stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, investing in hedge funds can provide diversification advantages. However, it’s important to understand what hedge funds are, how they work, the various structures available, and any associated costs and risks before committing capital.

What is a hedge fund?

A hedge fund is a private investment vehicle that utilizes various strategies in an effort to generate positive returns regardless of overall market direction. Unlike mutual funds, which are highly regulated, hedge funds have more flexibility to invest in a wider variety of asset types and employ leverage.

The term “hedge” refers to the funds’ ability to hedge various risks through short selling, leverage, derivatives, and other strategies designed to reduce volatility and deliver returns uncorrelated to traditional stock and bond indices. While each fund has its own investment approach, common hedge fund strategies include:

Long/short equity

Managers take long positions in stocks they believe will increase in value and short-sell stocks expected to decline. This aims to generate returns independent of market swings by profiting from both rising and falling prices.

Global macro

Traders speculate on macroeconomic trends worldwide, using positions in currencies, interest rates, commodities, and stock indexes. They profit from anticipated price movements based on forecasts for global economic growth, inflation, central bank policy, and geopolitical events.


Funds analyze potential corporate events like mergers, bankruptcies, restructurings, and regulatory changes to identify investment opportunities. They take positions expected to benefit from the completion or failure of such events.

Relative value

Managers exploit price anomalies between related financial instruments to lock in riskless profits. Strategies include convertible bond arbitrage, fixed income arbitrage, and volatility arbitrage.


As the name implies, these flexible funds utilize multiple investment approaches to reduce dependence on any single strategy. Managers tactically allocate across various hedge fund styles.

Gaining access as a retail investor

For many years, retail investors have faced hurdles in gaining access to hedge funds due to high minimum investments of $1 million or more. However, several options have emerged allowing smaller investors to participate:

Direct investments

A limited number of hedge funds now accept individual accounts with minimums as low as $25,000 – $100,000. Investors deal directly with the fund manager. While providing full upside, direct investments also entail higher access barriers and less diversification versus other options.

Funds of hedge funds

These pooled investment vehicles invest capital across a selection of underlying hedge funds to create a more diversified portfolio. Minimums are lower, starting around $25,000. Funds of funds charge both their own management fee and carry interest in addition to underlying fund fees and expenses.

Managed accounts

Some hedge fund managers offer separately managed accounts (SMAs) where they directly manage an individual portfolio following their strategy. Lower minimums of $100,000 – $500,000 apply versus direct funds. SMAs provide personalized service and tax optimization benefits but carry the manager’s additional fee on top of underlying investments.

Publicly traded hedge funds

A small number of hedge funds trade shares on major stock exchanges, eliminating minimums. However, daily liquidity differs from traditional closed-end funds, which only trade at net asset value. Lack of diversification is also a drawback versus funds of funds.

Each access vehicle involves various trade-offs around costs, diversification, oversight, and liquidity that investors must weigh based on their specific needs and risk tolerances. Let’s look more closely at a few options.

Direct hedge fund investments

While still limited to accredited investors meeting high income or asset thresholds, some hedge funds now accept individual investors with as little as $25,000. Here are a couple of real examples of direct hedge fund minimums and structures:

Millennium International

Minimum investment: $100,000

Lockup period: 12 months

Redemption notice: 90 days

Fee structure: 2% management fee, 20% performance fee over 5% hurdle

Strategy: Global macro trading currencies and interest rates worldwide

Being a direct investor in Millennium International provides full exposure to their successful trading approach. However, the one-year lockup period means capital cannot be withdrawn for a full calendar year. Investors must also factor in the 2-2 fee structure, which is common among hedge funds.

Aristeia Capital

Minimum investment: $1 million

Lockup period: None

Redemption notice: 90 days

Fee structure: 1.5% management fee, 15% performance fee over 6% hurdle

Strategy: Event-driven, focusing on distressed debt and special situations

Aristeia has a higher minimum but no lockup, providing more liquidity. Their lower 1.5-15 fee structure is more palatable than 2-20 but still comes with hedge fund-level expenses. Direct investments require patience and commitment of at least $100,000 to access world-class managers.

Funds of hedge funds

For most retail investors, funds of hedge funds are currently the easiest access point due to lower minimums starting around $25,000. Here is an example of a popular fund of funds option:

AlphaSimplex Managed Futures Strategy Fund

Minimum investment: $25,000

Expenses: 2.5% management fee, 20% performance fee

Strategy: Diversified global macro exposure across 15-25 managed futures funds

AlphaSimplex’ fund of funds provides instant diversification across a portfolio of established CTAs (commodity trading advisors). While this reduces idiosyncratic manager risk, the multiple layers of fees are significant at 2.5% management plus 20% performance charge in addition to underlying manager fees. Investors also have less control over underlying investments versus direct hedge funds or separately managed accounts.

Separately managed accounts

For those able to commit at least $100,000, separately managed accounts (SMAs) provide an interesting middle ground. Here is an example:

Janus Henderson Tactical Return SMA

Minimum investment: $250,000

Fees: 1.5% management fee

Strategy: Global tactical asset allocation across equities, bonds, commodities, and currencies

Janus’ SMA offers comparable investment exposure to their institutional tactical return strategy but tailored specifically to each retail client. This personalized attention comes at an additional 1.5% fee on top of underlying costs. However, lower minimums, flexibility, and tax optimization make SMAs appealing for larger retail portfolios.

Publicly traded hedge funds

A handful of hedge funds trade shares on major exchanges, providing more daily liquidity than closed-end funds. One example is:

Third Point Investors Limited (LSE: TPOU)

Average daily volume: ~$2 million

Expense ratio: 2% management fee, 20% performance fee

Strategy: Concentrated long/short equity focusing on events/activism

TPOU lists on the London exchange, allowing retail access to billionaire Dan Loeb’s iconic Third Point fund. However, liquidity is limited versus mutual funds, and lack of diversification beyond a single manager is a drawback versus funds of funds. Public funds have pros and cons relative to direct, SMA, and pooled vehicles.

Key considerations for retail hedge fund investors

Now that we’ve explored various access points, it’s important for retail investors to understand some inherent qualities of hedge funds before committing capital:


Hedge funds charge substantially higher fee structures than long-only funds, typically 2% management fees plus 20% performance fees. Multiple layers of fees also apply to funds of funds.


Direct hedge funds often restrict redemptions with lockups or minimum holding periods of 1 year or longer. Liquidity terms should be fully understood in advance.


Only accredited investors meeting standard income/net worth thresholds may invest in unregulated private hedge funds. Publicly traded funds are more accessible.


While aiming to produce positive absolute returns, hedge funds utilize leverage and short positions, introducing different risk profiles than long-only strategies. Diversification across managers is prudent.

Tax implications

Complicated tax treatment around short sales and derivatives use can generate unpredictable tax liabilities for individual hedge fund investors.

A commitment to hedge fund investing demands appropriate due diligence, a long-term time horizon, and tolerance for potential illiquidity. For the right investor, hedge funds can offer valuable diversification benefits. However, their complexity warrants thorough research and understanding of all costs and structural attributes before committing capital. Let’s now address some frequently asked questions retail investors may have when considering this alternative investment class:

FAQ Section

How do hedge funds differ from mutual funds?

Unlike mutual funds, which are generally regulated and restricted to long-only positions in stocks, bonds, and cash, hedge funds have greater flexibility to utilize short selling, leverage, synthetic positions, and other advanced strategies. Their performance is designed to be independent of overall market movements.

What is the typical investment performance of hedge funds?

On average, hedge funds have historically outperformed stock and bond indices with lower volatility over the long run. However, performance varies significantly by strategy and manager. While many top funds generate annualized returns of over 10%, others can lose money in certain years or market environments. Diversification is important given performance dispersion.

How much capital do I need to invest in a hedge fund?

Minimums for direct hedge fund investments have fallen to as low as $25,000-$100,000 at some funds. Funds of funds typically require $25,000, while separately managed accounts start around $100,000-$500,000, depending on the manager. Some public funds have no minimum.

How liquid are hedge fund investments?

Direct hedge fund investments often have lockup periods of 1 year or more when capital cannot be withdrawn. Notice periods for redemptions are typically 90 days after lockups expire. Liquidity can also vary depending on the investing structure and underlying strategies employed.

What are the primary risks of investing in hedge funds?

Since hedge funds employ leverage, short-selling, and complex strategies, their risk profiles differ from long-only funds. Key risks include market risk if net exposure is high, manager risk if overly concentrated, strategy risk specific to the approach employed, and liquidity risk if investments become illiquid.

Are hedge funds suitable for retirement accounts?

In general, – most hedge funds are not suited for tax-advantaged retirement accounts due to limitations on short-selling, leverage, and liquidity. However, some funds of funds and liquid alternative mutual funds may qualify for IRAs if they meet tax and liquidity standards.

How do I select the best hedge funds to invest in?

Perform extensive due diligence on any fund, including the background of portfolio managers, past performance in different markets, investment strategy and process, risk controls, fees, and terms. Consider track record, strategy fit within a portfolio, and recommendations from well-researched consultants familiar with the hedge fund industry.

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