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Making your own weed killer: an extensive guide

Gardening is a rewarding hobby that allows you to grow beautiful flowers, tasty vegetables, and other plants. However, weeds can quickly take over if not properly managed. While store-bought herbicides work, many people prefer a more natural approach and want to avoid harsh chemicals.

What are weeds, and why do we want to control them?

Before getting into recipes, it’s important to understand exactly what weeds are and why we aim to manage them in our gardens. In simple terms, a weed is defined as a plant that is growing where it is not wanted. This could be in between desirable plantings, in cracks in the sidewalk, or anywhere they are not appreciated for their aesthetic or functional value.

Left unchecked, weeds can negatively impact gardens and landscaped areas in several key ways:

  • They compete for resources. Weeds rob water, nutrients, sunlight, and space from more desirable plants you want to grow. Their aggressive growth habits allow them to outcompete other species.
  • They damage aesthetics. Many weeds are unsightly when they spread freely. They can take away from the beauty and curb appeal of your carefully cultivated plants and landscaping.
  • Some are invasive. Certain weedy species like crabgrass, ground ivy, and dandelions can be very invasive. Their seeds or roots spread quickly, making them difficult to fully eradicate once established.
  • Yield loss for edible gardens. Weeds growing amongst food crops and berries reduce the yield you can harvest. Their competition decreases the productivity of your vegetable, fruit, and herb beds.
  • Provide habitat for pests. Certain weeds are hosts for insects and diseases that can then spread to nearby cultivated plants, potentially infecting them as well.

For these reasons, it’s important to implement a weed control strategy tailored to your specific garden and plant situation. With a little effort, you can curtail weeds and promote the growth and health of the plants you want to nurture.

Choosing a homemade weed killer recipe

There are a variety of ingredients you can use to formulate your own weed-killing solutions without relying on store-bought products. When selecting a recipe to try, consider some key factors:

  • Target weeds. Different herbicides work best on certain types of weeds. Choose one suited for the specific weeds troubling your garden.
  • Ingredient availability. Select recipes using ingredients you already have on hand or can easily obtain. Check your pantry and spice cabinet first.
  • Application method. Some recipes are best for sprinkling directly on weeds, while others work as a spray. Pick the right application for your needs.
  • Safety. Always consider any potential risks from ingredients and take proper precautions like wearing gloves and safety goggles. Don’t use anything toxic around edibles.
  • Biodegradability. It’s best to choose natural ingredients that break down quickly like salt, vinegar, or essential oils rather than harsh chemicals.
  • Cost. Home remedies are cheaper than store products. Choose inexpensive recipes using common pantry staples.
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With these factors in mind, here are some of the most effective homemade weed-killer recipes worth trying:

Salt-based weed killers

Salt is one of the most popular natural ingredients for weed control. Table salt works well and is cheap and accessible. Here are a couple of recipes:

1. Salt spray

  • 1 cup salt
  • 1-gallon water
  • Spray bottle

Dissolve the salt in water and fill your spray bottle. Spritz the solution directly onto weed leaves until saturated. Works well on dandelions, crabgrass, and chickweed.

2. Salt sprinkles

  • 1 cup salt
  • Gloves, old socks, or mesh bag

Wear protective gloves to handle salt. Sprinkle directly onto weed leaves until fully coated. Reapply after rain. Kills via dehydration.

Salt disrupts the weeds’ ability to take in water through their leaves. Within a few days, they shrivel and die. It works especially well in hot weather or direct sun. Be cautious of overspray near plants you want to keep. Rinse equipment and wash hands after using salt mixtures.

Vinegar-based weed killers

White vinegar is another very effective homemade herbicide. It works through the contact-killing of weed foliage. Similar recipes:

3. Vinegar spray

  • 1-gallon white vinegar (at least 5% acidity)
  • 1 cup salt (optional, boosts effectiveness)
  • Spray bottle

Add salt if used for extra strength. Spritz leaves to wet but not saturate. Great for dandelions and most broadleaf weeds.

4. Straight vinegar pour

  • White vinegar
  • Cup or watering can

For small patches, poured straight vinegar works well. Saturate weed leaves without flooding nearby soil.

These acidic solutions break down weed cell walls and burn their leaves. Vinegar is safe for most other plants after a day if overspray occurs. Reapply as needed, as some weeds may take multiple treatments to fully eradicate.

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Dish soap as a surfactant

The dish soap acts as a surfactant or substance that reduces the surface tension of the liquid. This allows herbicide solutions to better coat and penetrate weed leaves. Add it in small amounts to help other ingredients adhere:

5. Soap and vinegar spray

  • 1-gallon white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • 1/2 tablespoon dish soap
  • Spray bottle

The soap helps the salt and vinegar mixtures more effectively coat leaves for faster killing. Spritz directly on weeds.

You can apply any formerly mentioned weed killer recipe and boost its efficacy with a small amount of dish soap added to help the active ingredients fully saturate weed foliage. Just don’t use too much soap or it could potentially damage or burn nearby plants. A half tablespoon per gallon works well as a surfactant boost.

Essential oil weed killers

Certain essential oils possess natural herbicide properties. Use alone or combined in these recipes:

6. Essential oil drench

  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 15-20 drops of clove, citronella, or cinnamon essential oil
  • Watering can

Mix vinegar and essential oil together. Pour solution around weeds to thoroughly wet leaves and soil at the base of plants.

7. Oil and soap spray

  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 15 drops eucalyptus, rosemary, or peppermint oil
  • 1/2 Tbsp dish soap
  • Water to make 1 gallon

Blend ingredients in a spray bottle. Spritz on weeds for natural control.

Essential oils dehydrate and damage weed cells. Reapply as needed. Take care not to overapply near sensitive plants. Rotate oil types are used to avoid building weed resistance over time.

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Other natural ingredients to try

Beyond these recipes, many other common pantry and garden items can be formulated into homemade herbicides:

  • Corn gluten meal: Acts as pre-emergent to prevent new weeds. Broadcast and water into garden soil.
  • Boiling water: For small weed patches, pour scalding water onto foliage to scald and kill them.
  • Newspaper: Cover weeds with newspaper layered with mulch or compost for solarization.
  • Mulch: Apply 2-4 inches of mulch to smother weeds and stop new growth underneath.
  • Acetic acid: Pure acetic acid is a potent herbicide. Dilute 5-10% in water and apply carefully.
  • Ammonia: Can kill weeds applied undiluted directly on foliage. Toxic, so use carefully.

Always test homemade mixtures on a small patch of weeds first to check for effectiveness and unintended damage before wider applications. Reapply solutions as needed based on results. Rotate ingredients to prevent resistance.

Application tips for best results

In addition to selecting the right recipe, follow these tips for effective weed control with homemade mixtures:

  • Apply on a dry, sunny day when weeds are actively growing. Early morning or evening work best.
  • Thoroughly wet all leaves and green portions of weeds to the point of runoff for maximum coverage.
  • Reapply as new weeds emerge or if it rains heavily within a few hours of initial application.
  • Agitate salt or vinegar solutions before each use to keep ingredients fully dissolved.
  • Wear gloves, eye protection, and long sleeves when handling ingredients like salt or ammonia.
  • Clean sprayers thoroughly after each use with soap and water to remove residue.
  • Target weeds and avoid spraying desirable plants to prevent damage from overspray.
  • Consider reseeding or replanting with ground cover after depletion of the weed seed bank in the soil.
  • Mulch bare soil to block new weed seeds from germinating once the area is cleared.


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